PI Case Example Ladder Accident
Ladder Accident Successful Case Result
Halladjian v. Home Depot, CV09-05645
Mr. Halladjian purchased an aluminum Werner step ladder from Home Depot. After just a couple of uses, Mr. Halladjian was sanding a wall while standing on one of the ladder’s upper steps when the ladder suddenly failed, throwing him to the ground, causing injury to his knee. Close examination of the ladder revealed that a rivet was improperly set during the manufacturing process in China. The rivet failed, causing the ladder to suddenly shift while in use, throwing Mr. Halladjian to the ground. Mr. Halladjian hired Imad Y. Elias and Scott Mann of the Law Offices of Mann & Elias for representation.
The defendants were Home Depot and Tricam Industries, the importer of the ladder. They would not agree to pay a fair settlement. Instead, Mr. Halladjian’s case went to trial in Federal court. The defendants argued that the ladder was safe and Mr. Halladjian simply lost balance and fell off the ladder. They hired a famous ladder expert to support their case.
At trial, Los Angeles ladder accident lawyer Scott Mann argued to the jury that the evidence clearly showed the cause of the fall was the failed rivet, and that the defendants simply were not taking responsibility for their defective product. The jury agreed with Scott Mann, awarding a net total of $240,000 to Mr. Halladjian. The verdict was paid in full.
Contact Scott Mann for a free case evaluation.