Will My Car Insurance Be Affected If I Drive For Uber?

In today’s economy, a popular way to make money is by driving for Uber. However, since this service is still relatively new, many questions remain regarding car insurance for drivers. While it is required all drivers on the road have personal insurance policies, these may not necessarily work in situations where the person is a ridesharing driver. To learn more about how car insurance can be affected in these situations, here are some crucial details to keep in mind.
Independent Contractors
Since Uber drivers are not considered company employees, they are classified as independent contractors. As such, Uber is able to avoid employer liability for car accidents, placing most if not all the responsibility on the driver who was involved. Unfortunately, most personal policies don’t cover commercial uses of personal vehicles, leaving drivers footing the bill and accident victims out of luck regarding compensation. If you have been involved in an accident while acting as a ridesharing driver, contact a Los Angeles Uber accident lawyer at Mann & Elias.
Canceled Coverage
For many Uber drivers, the real surprise comes following an accident. If they do not have insurance allowing them to use their personal vehicle for commercial applications, the insurance company will often cancel their coverage. When this happens, victims lose out on collecting settlements from the insurance company. However, victims are allowed to sue the driver for damages through a personal injury lawsuit. If this occurs, contact a Los Angeles personal injury lawyer at Mann & Elias.
Ridesharing Endorsement
As ridesharing services such as Uber and Lyft become more entrenched in modern society, many insurance companies now offer ridesharing endorsements that can be added to personal policies. But as it is with insurance coverage, these endorsements are provided at an additional cost. The endorsement will cover property damage and liability, but may not offer as much coverage as that now starting to be offered by Uber and Lyft. Should questions arise in these matters, consult with our Uber accident attorney Los Angeles residents trust.
While standard vehicle accidents are complex, those involving Uber and Lyft drivers are much more difficult. If you have been involved in an accident such as this and need answers to your questions, do not hesitate to contact a Lyft accident lawyer Los Angeles residents know can be trusted.